Hellena Releases New Album ‘Harmonia’

Hellena has just released her sophomore album, Harmonia. It’s an album made to inspire, especially the underdogs. The album introduces fans to Hellena’s superheroine alter ego, “Harmonia.” who starts as a regular girl named Helen Muse who lives in a world of limitations, fear, and no confidence. She goes on a personal journey and transforms into the superheroine conquering her fears and gaining confidence. The album was inspired by Hellena’s upbringing near Mount Olympus, featuring a mix of personal stories and mythical vibes, all about finding strength within yourself. The artwork showcases Hellena as “Harmonia” in her aforementioned superheroine outfit. The album kicks off with “Busking,” a track where Hellena tells the story of how she chose street performing over a regular 9-to-5 job. ...

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