NEWS 2020/03/08
March 8, International Women’s Day. A day to reflect on all the women that came before us, a day to celebrate the achievements of those that fought to properly represent us, and also the date of my birthday which is pretty badass! So in celebration of all the badass babes throughout history, I think it’s right I start way at the beginning, as the 14-year-old me discovering the femme rage that saved my life; as a young, angry, ‘I hate everyone and want to die’ teenager. School was hell for me. I was an insecure, weird kid, battling pressures from every angle of what it meant to be a 14-year-old girl. I’ve always felt like a little kid, playing with my Bratz dolls and fantasising in my safe little bubble. Meanwhile girls my age boasted about giving handjobs and doing drugs at parti...