Grumpster – Fever Dream

First of all, can I take this moment to apologise (yes I said apologise) I don’t do this often, so take it whilst you can.  Two reasons, first is for seeing this bands name and building a stereotype in my head (for which I am truly sorry), and secondly for being a bit late for the bus on this one, being that it was released back on the 17th June via Pure Noise Records. So Grumpster, no not at all grumpy mother fuckers, actually upbeat early Tsumani Bomb sprung to mind as soon as the title track Fever Dream hit the my ears, an East Bay sound that’s punctuated by something extra, a rock edge hangs around in the background, which fits Donnie Walsh’s vocal perfectly, a blend of pop and punk that airs on the punk but can be so beautiful at the same time. This is the bands second album, but...

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