Goodbye, Petrushka (Indie Rights) [Film Review]

Nicola Rose’s debut feature Goodbye, Petrushka is a little film with a big heart. It tells the story of Claire (Lizzie Kehoe), a struggling New York puppeteer who by chance bumps into a similarly struggling figure skater, Thibaut (Thomas Vieljeux), from Paris. Her film studies course is going about as well as her puppet skills, so she hedges her bets and follows her heart to Paris to seek out the man of her dreams. The pair strike up an unlikely allegiance and plan a show combining puppets and ice skating. A loose homage to the French New Wave follows, with echoes of Agnes Varda’s Cleo from 5 to 7. However, where those New Wave characters exude cool, Rose’s characters emit a high level of dappiness, bordering on the unhinged. If you enjoy over-acting and impossible romance, then there is m...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon