For I Am – The Righteous & The Wicked

Something appears to have woken up Belgium, at least on the recording front. Following on from their fellow Belgians F.O.D. releasing their superb new album, The Once A Virgin Club, their first in four years, earlier this month, now For I Am have returned after five long years with their third full length, The Righteous And The Wicked. Not that For I Am have been idle, they’ve been active on the live front, including a triumphant appearance at the 2023 Manchester Punk Festival, and lead singer Hanne Terweduwe has guested on too many recordings to recount here, but it’s been a long wait since Late Bloomers was released in 2019. The seeds of The Righteous And The Wicked were sown once lockdown ended, the band started making their preparations and writing new material and reunited with produc...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon