L.A. punk outfit For Closure, who are fronted Gizz Lazlo (Dr. Know / UK Subs / The Freeze / Dead Lazlo’s Place / For Sale) and also include Marc Maxey (Sloth Fist / The Killing Flame / Justice League), Luis Estefania (F.Y.P. / Rhythm Collision / Buford / For Sale) and Steve Wilenkin (Life in a Burn Clinic / Dead Man’s Life / IDK), have released their new single, Moon at Noon, via Mindpower Records. Moon at Noon also features a guest appearance by Mike Williamson (Jr. Juggernaut) and, along with their debut single Carousel, will appear on For Closure‘s debut album that is set to be released later this year. “”Moon at Noon” was written a few days after my dad’s first major heart attack in May of 2018. I was sitting ...