Erotic Secrets Of Pompeii Are “Completely Rudderless” On New Single

Apocalyptic art rock outfit Erotic Secrets of Pompeii have today released their new single, Utterly Rudderless, that is the final single from their upcoming debut album, Mondo Maleficum, where guitars ricochet back and forth over a locked staccato drum groove. The single is accompanied by a mischievous video playfully paying homage to the band’s out-there art influences, including the outlandish performance art of Leigh Bowery and Jader Vision. “Lyrically the song is about conspiracy theories offering comfort in a chaotic world, but the real unsettling truth is that nobody truly holds the reins; the world navigates without a rudder. Sounds morbid when broken down like that, but there’s a frantic energy that drives the music that is almost triumphant. The universe may...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon