Endings – Endings EP

Sometimes, well actually more than sometimes, its wonderful to be able to be sent something that has been made in the pure sense of DIY, a band that not only have you not heard of before, but also a sound that has an eerie edge to it, a quality of production that yes could be better, but if it were, would this just spoil the whole experience.  Enter Endings, a emo-pop/punk band from Manchester who are that band, who kick off a gig with maybe only three people watching, then immediately start asking around “who are these?” Why are these on first! (because someone has to be).   I’d like to say there are some reference points here to head you off in the right direction as to Endings sound, but alas they may be so obscure that even I may not have heard of them, take ‘Heal’ the first track, its...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon