Employed To Serve are survivors. “From day one, the mentality was: tenacity over everything else,” says Sammy Urwin. “Whatever happens, we’ve worked out a way to just power through it and not let it drag us down, or stop us enjoying doing this.” Perched in Hackney’s Cock Tavern – a stone’s throw from Cable Street, where in 1936 Oswald Moseley’s British Union Of Fascists were sent packing by an opposing collective of anti-fascists, trade unionists, Jewish groups and others who didn’t want the nastiness they were selling – the guitarist is getting into the band’s new song, Atonement. A scalding piece of metal, even by the Woking wrecking crew’s standards, and featuring a guest turn from Lorna Shore singer Will Ramos, it’s a furious pushback against those who w...