Duke Ellington – “Love You Madly + A Concert Of Sacred Music At Grace Cathedral” [DVD Review]

Mercury Studios released an important double-bill DVD in April that is as essential to serious jazz fans as it is entertaining. Emmy-nominated Love You Madly was originally shown on US Network TV in 1965 and has rarely been seen since. The film, directed by Richard Moore, follows arguably the most important figure in the history of jazz, Duke Ellington, as he prepares for a major performance at San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral. Shot in an almost cinema verite style, not dissimilar to D.A. Pennebaker’s 1967 Dylan doc, Don’t Look Back. You could suspect that Moore’s film may have been an influence, particularly in the backstage scenes and casual interviewing style of Ralph J. Gleason. Gleason would go on to co-found Rolling Stone Magazine. Between interviews with Ellington, we see priceless f...

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