Delilah Bon Unleashes New Single “Dead Men Don’t Rape”

Delilah Bon (the alter-ego of Lauren Tate from Hands Off Gretel) is angry, like countless others throughout the world, following the recent news coming from the US that sees more women and those with uterus’ lose their rights to legal abortion and bodily autonomy. While many of us recoil at the injustice and the horror in silence, Delilah speaks out with an eloquence and a fury. Built on the firm foundations of female empowerment, Dead Men Don’t Rape fuses hip-hop, punk and nu-metal with a ferocious, screamed rap over razor-wire guitar riffs. “My body is mine / Don’t belong to the government,” Bon screams, commanding full attention. You can almost taste the hurt, the betrayal, the anger. “After Roe vs Wade was overturned in the USA, I saw the very real aftermath on social media. So many wo...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon