Dead Express – Game Changer

Dead Express are one of those band that have only ever caressed my ears on the very odd occasion, a track here or a track there, and sadly never a full albums worth of air time has been within my experience, so here’s where that changes and I get to make up for past indiscretions.  I think I’m right in saying that this will be the fourth full album they have delivered upon the world (if wrong I’ll apologise later). Game Changer is by definition exactly that, although I may not have given up enough of my precious time to catch all that went before, what of have heard is a drop back from what this albums brings to the top table.  Driven by a Rock n Roll/Rock/Punk sound, this album takes aim straight at the heart of this, its soul feels like it’s with the likes of AC/DC, Motorhead o...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon