Creature Creature Release New Single “YOUNGSTARS!”

Brighton, UK’s pop-punk darlings Creature Creature have released their latest single, YOUNGSTARS!. Channeling the emotive resonance of The Get Up Kids and the reflective lyricism of Dashboard Confessional, YOUNGSTARS! is a fervent ode to the tumultuous journey of youth. With their new single Creature Creature have crafted a sonic riposte to the tired clichés often foisted upon today’s youth, weaving a narrative that celebrates the undimmed fervor of the young souls fighting against the odds. Scully, the band’s lyricist and vocalist, channels a blend of defiance and introspection, crafting an anthem that serves as a clarion call to the misunderstood and the stereotyped. The post Creature Creature Release New Single “YOUNGSTARS!” appeared first on

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