Cover Your Ears – Documentary by Sean Patrick Shaul

Punk rock has always had an interesting and fraught relationship with censorship. From the more overt events like Vivienne Westwood’s SEX Shop and the Sex Pistols, police riots at Whiskey A-Go-Go in LA or the Dead Kennedy’s HR Giger artwork scandal; to the simple act of bleeping out certain swear words for radio friendly playback – the punk scene has been under the microscope of angry censors since the style was invented. Despite the large foot print the style has placed in the censorship concourse, the punk scene is more like the pinky toe when compared to the full history of good meaning folks attempting to save the youth from the profane. Sean Patrick Shaul’s upcoming documentary, Cover Your Ears, attempts to cover a 100 years of censorship history into a tight h...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon