Burden’s Landing Release Debut EP ‘Could This Be a Portal?’

Burden’s Landing, an alt-rock band based in Washington, D.C., just released their debut EP Could This Be a Portal?. The release gives listeners 30 full minutes of grunge, shoegaze, and indie rock blended together into a collection that ranges from laid-back to in your face. The EP kicks off with “We Need Revenge,” which provides listeners with a chill, hypnotic vibe before the band hits an audio “car crash” halfway through where the song switches up into a more driving rock feel. It’s an ear-grabbing switch that sets the tone for the rest of the EP, showing the band’s ability to mix moods, even within a single song. The second song on the EP, “Eat the Earth”, brings a strong upbeat, alt rock feel before morphing into a contrasting spacey energy. The next two songs continue the ...

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