NEWS 2021/03/09
“As soon as we can all get back into a field, even the smell of Portaloos will feel good! You’ll welcome the fact that you’re walking past the warm smell of piss on a Saturday afternoon!” laughs Vicky Hungerford, discussing the potential return of festivals this summer in her customary forthright manner. As the promoter and booker of Bloodstock, the biggest British independent metal festival, Vicky is feeling quietly confident about the event’s return after the fallow year imposed by COVID.. “We’re all guns blazing,” she smiles. “Ever since Boris announced the path out of lockdown, tickets have been flying. You don’t want to tempt fate, but things do feel good at the moment.” The festival is due to take place on August 11 – 15 with Devin Townsend, Mercyful Fate an...