Bandcamp of the Day: Thank

UK’s Thank are not here to make things easy on you. Just try finding them with a standard Google search and see what happens. Even more elusive and obtuse than their web presence is their music. A trepidatious venture of sound. A tight rope walk on a wire made of unspooled animal tendons, stretched over a chasm filled with spinning lawnmower blades. Rusted by neglect and the blood of luckless would be dare-devils. Their music isn’t inviting or accommodating, but it is extremely weird, and designed to imperil one’s sense of comfort and security. Which, for some absurd reason, is exactly what many a connoisseur of art has come to crave. If this describes your own thick-witted pursuit of masochistic pleasures, then you can at least take solace in the fact that there are othe...


unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon