Album review: The Word Alive – Hard Reset

‘Are you ready to live?’ asks Telle Smith on Hard Reset’s juxtapositional opener, The Word Alive Is Dead. It may not seem like this title and those lyrics can go hand in hand, but there’s a bigger picture to Hard Reset. This album seems not to mark a new chapter for The Word Alive, but a new book.  It opens with lonely drumming and the soft timbre of delicately tickled cymbals but grows into an eerie beast, with full-pelt throat-ripping screams and chunky guitar. With 13 tracks and five colossal collabs to digest, there’s a lot of material on offer here from the Arizona group.  The second and titular track completely ups the ante with double kick drums and swoons between menacing riffs to melodic and swooping segments, but a clear stand out though is...

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