Album Review: Kulick- Everyone I Know Will Die

Modern pop-rock artist Kulick released new album Everyone I Know Will Die on January 28. The record is an array of antiemetic sounds that hone in on Kulick’s pop-rock vision, to perfection.  “Necessities”’ comes swinging in carrying along melodies enough to bring goosebumps to a listener’s skin. Words such as “panic in my chest” are uttered with such passion that fans can feel that type of emotion. The track puts pressure on a slight key change, making for a swift and sweet dynamic. Single “The People I Know (Don’t Like Me)” carries out hooks in angst making for a powerhouse of a track. “For Once in My Life” follows quickly behind the single, putting forth a groove melody laced with a slight piano melody, making for a bold contrast. “ALL I SEE IS RED” manifests the bright and s...

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