Album Review: Kauan – Ice Fleet

Russian underground stalwarts Kauan’s new album, Ice Fleet, tells the story of an unidentified fleet that was discovered in Northern Russia in 1930 completely frozen in the permafrost with the bodies of its crew and passengers grotesquely preserved. It’s a grim tale, but not the first time the band has tackled a tragic event from their country’s history. For example, their 2015 album, Somi Nai, told the story of the Dyatlov Pass Incident, in which nine doomed hikers perished in a blizzard in the Ural Mountains. So, the band isn’t afraid to tackle heavy subject matter, it’s just this time the “heavy” has returned to their sound. Their previous two albums, which includes the one mentioned above and Kaiho (2017) both showcased their ambient post-rock ...


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