Album Review: Jason Ringenberg – Rhinestoned

As fontman of Jason & the Scorchers, Jason Ringenberg, along with bands like The Blasters, Lone Justice and Drivin’ N’ Cryin’ helped pioneer that potent blend of punk rock and country. As a result, they laid the foundation for everyone from Old 97s and Nashville Pussy to Mike Ness’ entire solo career. It’s been decades since Jason & the Scorchers last put out a record, but Ringenberg has managed to carry his career into two seemingly divergent, but just as interesting paths over the years. He’s put out four albums as Farmer Jason – a gleeful eclectic children’s musician – and put out half a dozen solo efforts in similar vein to the music he played fronting The Scorchers. His latest solo album, the sublimely titled Rhinestoned is easily one of his best.   His distinc...

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