Album Review: Iceburn – Asclepius

Iceburn were one of the more experimental bands coming out of the hardcore scene in the 1990s. They started out as a progressive hardcore band and then went into waters uncharted embracing post-rock and even noise. Their initial run from 1990-2001 saw the band evolve from album to album, changing with each new salvo. Then, after a European tour in 2001, they broke up. But, they didn’t stay dormant. They got back together for a show in 2007 celebrating their early music, which led to them getting together every so many years for other shows. This got to the point where they announced that they were back and working on new material. Asclepius, named after the god of healing and medicine, is their first album in 20 years. Its two, long-form tracks, “Healing The Ouroburos” an...


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