Album Review: Filth Is Eternal – Love Is A Lie, Filth Is Eternal

On their sophomore album, and first under their new name, Filth Is Eternal, formerly Fucked & Bound, unleash a torrent of vicious, ripping, metal-tinged hardcore punk, that is fast, frenetic, and full of vitriol. Of the album’s 12 cuts, only two, “Deeper Void” and album closer “Filth Is Eternal,” stretch beyond the two-minute mark. They just go for the throat with this barrage of songs. Some people might say, “Well, that sounds like their first album, Suffrage.” True, both albums contain mainly short, fast bursts of songs, but on this new one, they expand their sonic palette a bit more, allowing for a few more metallic influences to creep in. But, don’t dare call this “metalcore,” because that descriptor is a loaded word. Just...


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