2Sevens Are “Back On Track” With New Album

2Sevens are a punk rock n roll band formed in 2018 by four old punk bastards who still have gigs to play and albums to drop. All four members, JK, Fraser, Andy and Murray are veterans in the world of punk rock and after years of family life, they’ve realised that there’s still music in their hearts that needs to be unleashed. For as long as they’ve got left, 2Sevens have decided to resist obsolescence and have one hell of a time with guitars, drums and the hard edged melodies of punk rock. The 2Sevens have now released their long awaited full length, Back On Track, that is now available via streaming platforms and on CD direct from 2Sevens and at gigs, the album is a reminder that punk’s not dead and that it can still be found kicking & screaming. The post 2Sevens Are “Back On Track” W...

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