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Ad-Rock (Beastie Boys)-era DFL giving ‘My Crazy Life’ first 12″ reissue with unreleased live LP

NOFX’s Fat Mike announces orchestral album, shares new video

NOFX’s Fat Mike announces orchestral album, shares new video

NOFX’s Fat Mike announces orchestral album, shares new video

Stay Inside release new single “A Backyard,” opening for Defeater & Caspian soon

Moving Mountains’ self-titled LP gets 10th anniversary vinyl re-release (exclusive splatter LP)

Svalbard announce new album ‘The Weight of the Mask,’ share “Faking It”

Svalbard announce new album ‘The Weight of the Mask,’ share “Faking It”

Fiddlehead share “Sleepyhead,” add Never Ending Game, Praise, Lifeguard & more openers to tour

Face To Face cover Naked Raygun’s “I Don’t Know” for tribute LP; Trever Keith doing solo events

Blood Runs Cold (Koyo, Sanction) announce debut EP, share “BRC”

Texas Is The Reason’s Norman Brannon relaunches ‘Anti-Matter’ zine as online newsletter

Watch Post Malone rock out to Militarie Gun’s “Do It Faster”

Indie-ska-punks Poindexter prep debut LP ‘Treats’ (watch the “Quirky” video)

10 New Metal & Hardcore Songs Out This Week

Better Lovers (Every Time I Die, Dillinger Escape Plan) surprise-release debut EP

Members of Inter Arma, Revocation, City of Caterpillar & more form Garbage People (listen)

Emo vets Everyone Asked About You announce Numero Group comp & Saint Vitus release show

‘In Defense of the Genre’: Best Punk & Emo Songs of June

Cold World playing TV Eye late show after opening for Gorilla Biscuits

Cold World playing TV Eye late show after opening for Gorilla Biscuits

Stream Circuit Circuit’s chaotic screamo/mathcore EP ‘Body Songs’

Richmond screamo band Ostraca return with first LP in 5 years, ‘Disaster’ (listen)

Magnitude release new single “Rectify”

Notable Releases of the Week (6/30)

Pool Kids surprise release split EP with their hardcore alter-egos POOL (listen)

Spine discuss influences behind new LP ‘Ra​í​ces,’ from Siege to salsa

Taking Back Sunday return with new single & video, “The One”

10 Classic Hardcore Albums Turning 20 in 2023

Year of the Knife involved in car crash; one member in critical condition, others injured

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unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon