Album Review: Lovebites – Electric Pentagram

The opening song on Electric Pentagram bears the unimprovable title Thunder Vengeance, and its impeccable, near-thrash attack recalls Judas Priest’s classic Painkiller. It’s a cracking start to a record which is somehow the third Lovebites full-length in just over two years. Anyone inclined to whip out an air guitar is exceedingly well served here, particularly on the Maiden-esque melodies of Golden Destination or the addictive opening flourish of Today Is The Day. But while this is an album of deft musicianship and well-executed metallic bravura, the sheer slickness of its production occasionally leaves it feeling synthetic, like a computer simulation. In fairness, this is true of large swathes of the modern power metal scene, and Lovebites certainly boast more memorable tunes t...

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