The inevitability of Spiritbox

A tsunami only truly reveals itself once its waves reach the waterfront. Initially pulsating almost unseen through the depths, in its final form these devastating natural disasters can go on to build a remorseless wall of water, ultimately crushing all in its path.  Courtney LaPlante and Mike Stringer know in their hearts that Spiritbox​’s long-awaited second album Tsunami Sea will have the impact its title teases, but even days from release they feel like vessels on the horizon, distanced from those fans waiting eagerly on the shore. “It doesn’t feel like being ​‘on the crest of a wave’ where you’re up there looking down,” Courtney expands the analogy. ​“It feels like we’re a boat way out in the ocean, with the tsunami passing underneath, unable to really com...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon