Album review: The Nightmares – Fire In Heaven

The Nightmares are a unique troupe of goths. Though their music’s still dripping in darkness and existential, far-reaching conceptualism – no surprise when the album title references a quote from Killing Joke​’s Jaz Coleman – it’s wrapped up in a different package from what their image might convey. They trade not in pitch black melodrama necessarily, but in stormy grey gloom – dark in a different, less ostentatious manner. Crucially, it means they’ve struck on something that’s not just intriguing, but refreshingly different. The Newport quintet’s stylings are maybe not the most immediate, but this isn’t necessarily a fault. It’s careful, however, to ease listeners in with the bewitchingly choppy punk of Siren Song and the eerie Something In The Dark, whe...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon