It’s a long way from the Florida swamplands to the East Anglian Fens. Out by the cold, stagnant, shallow water of that English wilderness, though, brews the same appetite for truly gut-wrenching death metal sounds that emanated from the southeastern United States’ snakes and alligators three decades ago. Celestial Sanctuary aren’t here for pleasant countryside strolls. They prefer carnage. “I don’t think we incorporate enough bleakness into our sound,” grins frontman Tom Cronin. “Maybe we should take more inspiration from the Fenlands – they are horribly depressing.” Indeed, on 2021 debut Soul Diminished and even more so on 2023 follow-up Insatiable Thirst For Torment, the Cambridgeshire quartet could be accused of many things, but sounding down would not be one of them. In son...