Album review: Bring Me The Horizon – POST HUMAN: NeX GEn

Life, as John Lennon sang, is what happens when you’re busy making other plans. A year ago, as they topped the bill at Download for the first time, Bring Me The Horizon were also, finally, making some sort of noise about the second chapter of their POST HUMAN series. It had been long enough: part one, the excellent Survival Horror, had dropped almost out of nowhere almost three years previously, on Halloween weekend 2020.  Put it down to the success of the first bit that the intended four-part run of releases couldn’t come out quite as swiftly as had been expected. Put it down to these things being harder than they look, or lockdown lifting earlier than expected and suddenly the time to work on such projects being at a premium again. Oli Sykes tells Kerrang! that, ​“The...

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