“I had to start again and build a foundation out of nothing”: The trauma and triumph behind Defects’ debut album

“My songwriting is a therapy,” begins Tony Maue, reflecting on his experiences in the childcare system after being displaced from his family. ​“When I was going through the trauma of being in care, there was nothing I really had, other than music.”  The Defects frontman is reliving his journey from childhood to now, as the band sit on the cusp of releasing debut album Modern Error. “Music was the friend that I needed at the time. I had moved areas, I had to start again and build a foundation out of nothing at a young age, and music was the thing I had that was there for me no matter what.”  It was through his favourite bands like Slipknot and Korn that Tony found solace, as well as the raw honesty and grit that informed ...

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