‘In Defense of the Genre’: Best Punk & Emo Songs of February

In Defense of the Genre is a column on BrooklynVegan about punk, pop punk, emo, hardcore, post-hardcore, ska-punk, and more, including and often especially the bands and albums and subgenres that weren’t always taken so seriously. Did you see that Best Friends Forever Fest lineup? Or the No Values lineup? Or that massive Drain tour? Or that Have Heart are back again? It’s a good time to be a punk or emo or hardcore or whatever fan right now, and on that note, here’s a list of 10 songs from the punk world released in February that I think you should hear. But first, some features and reviews: * Thursday discuss 8 major influences behind War All The Time (which they just played in full on tour) * Ned Russin (Glitter, Title Fight) on navigating art, DIY ethos, and capitalism...

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