Laura Jane Grace: “Sometimes punk is sh*tty, because there are sh*tty punks. But at its best, punk is rad people doing radical things”

Laura Jane Grace has one simple piece of advice for anyone making an album now or in the future. “If you have the chance to yell ​‘Punk is dead!’ on a record, you absolutely need to take that chance,” she laughs. ​“I got that chance, and y’know what? I took it!” Before we begin, an important clarification: Laura Jane Grace does not necessarily subscribe to the sentiment behind those three words that boom out across the closing seconds of Punk Rock In Basements, the fifth track from her new solo album Hole In My Head, which the amiable Against Me! frontwoman joins Kerrang! to chew over today. “Maybe subconsciously I’m suggesting that it’s time we open up that debate again and talk about whether or not punk is dead. Maybe we need to ask ourselves again whether punk is sti...

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