One of the most explosive and exciting live acts to emerge from the UK in years His Lordship come flying out of the traps with their debut self-titled album. Co-produced by the band with David Wrench and mixed by Wrench and Tchad Blake, His Lordship is a tour de force of twelve frenetic, frenzied, rapturous tracks. The album includes their searing latest single, Jackie Works For The NHS, a monster garage rock anthem with a chorus that blows the roof off. A maximum rock’n’roll band conceived during lockdown to blow the cobwebs away and remind us of what music has been missing, the band are made up of the powerhouse duo of James Walbourne (The Pretenders / The Pogues / The Rails) and Kristoffer Sonne (Chrissie Hynde / Willie Nelson). Their self titled debut album is now availabl...