NEWS 2019/12/12
When it comes to British DIY figureheads, nothing and no one compares to the aura that Jamie Lenman has. It’s fitting that his most recent tour finishes in London’s dreamy Moth Club – a venue where the ceiling is decorated in shimmering gold glitter whilst the stage retains the vibe of a seminal 80s dance hall. For casual fans and hardcore Reuben fans alike, this intimate experience feels as if it’ll be a night to remember. Following the release of his quirky covers album ‘Shuffle’ this summer, Lenman has so many different ways to dazzle us this evening with his wide musical palette. But first off, we’re treated to half an hour of cathartic noise rock, courtesy of ex-Heck members Haggard Cat. Whilst the two-piece group are less destructive on stage than Heck, front man Ma...