Cro-Mags second album, Best Wishes was just re-released under the BFE and Astor place labels. Those labels are both labels that specialize in licensing recordings from inactive labels and re-releasing them. After the release, Harley Flanagan of the Cro-Mags took to social media to state that the reissue is not authorized by the band, similar to the recent re-release of Ae of Quarrel. Flanagan stated: "The reissue of Best Wishes on vinyl is again, like the reissue of Age of Quarrel, not a release that supports the people who wrote or played on this album. The players who wrote and played on Best Wishes have never been paid for it or even received an accounting. When last we checked - “Profile” or whatever they call themselves now, basically said “sue us” if you want to know anything about w...