West Coast based PMA hardcore band KNELT BEFORE features former members of Second Coming, LoveHateHero, What Lies Within and Divide the Day, and they just self-released their debut album, Be Nice. If you love classic hardcore punk in the vein of H2O, Ignite, Gorilla Biscuits then it’s a straight up glorious start to the week with their wicked tunes! The band makes hardcore infused with pop-punk subtleties with positive lyrics (no cursing, etc). Two of the members are straight edge, one is Hare Krishna and a few are vegetarian and vegan as well. For Fans Of: H2O, Face (Japan), Ignite, Good Clean Fun, Gorilla Biscuits, , Youth Of Today After leaving music for many years, Mark Johnston and Don Rossington got together through a mutual appreciation of straight edge hardcore, positive thin...