The Menzingers are on the road celebrating the 10th anniversary of their breakout album On The Impossible Past and they’ve brought both Touché Amoré and Screaming Females along for the ride. The tour officially kicked off last week in Asbury Park at the House of Independents with what turned into a 4-night run. I say “officially” only because the band did attend Fest 20 down in Gainsville, FL the previous weekend. But moving on, 10 years of water under the bridge can seem like a blink of an eye to some and an eternity to others. For The Menzingers, 2012 not only had them playing in dingey basements, and DIY skateparks, but huge sports arenas (as openers for A Day To Remember) as well as large concert halls (as openers for Taking Back Sunday). To put it further into perspe...