NEWS 2021/08/24
So, who’s up for ALT+LDN, then? It’s coming, and with it, a load of weird, wonderful artists who are twisting music into shapes you never thought possible. As a spotlight on a new noise that takes in hip-hop, trap, electro, metal, punk and anything else with a bit of freak and fight in it, there’s no other fest like it right now. You’re already pumped for Architects’ headlining slot. But what about some of the other gems on the bill? Let us guide you through the six you have to see… Bob Vylan If you’ve not caught incendiary London grime-punks Bob Vylan yet, your time to remain fashionably late is about to end. Get on their furious state-of-the-country-address We Live Here – in which they take aim at racism, police brutality, poverty and degradation – and...