NEWS 2020/12/26
With a potentially fatal virus sweeping across the planet, causing a global pandemic, the year 2020 collectively challenged people around the world in one way or another. With our daily attention being demanded and our thought process completely consumed, we’ve all been drained and exhausted to some extent. While this pandemic exposed new ways for people to separate from one another, both physically and ideologically, businesses and people have suffered severely. Many of our beloved music venues have been at risk of closing their doors, with some already facing that unfortunate fate. A lot of people chose to come together (from a distance) and took opportunities to help each other, donate (Save Our Stages), purchase music directly (shoutout to Bandcamp), appreciate loved ones, and st...
We Are Not Your Kind
アイオワが産んだ猟奇趣味的激烈音楽集団、スリップノット。数々の苦難&受難を乗り越え、いよいよ完全復活を果たす―――― 通算6枚目となるニュー・アルバム『ウィー・アー・ノット・ユア・カインド』をロードランナーよりリリース! !