Album Review: Smith & Myers – Volume 1 & 2

Brent Smith and Zach Myers have recorded as a duo before but, like Billie Joe Armstrong’s upcoming No Fun Mondays, this collection feels very much like a lockdown project. Stripped down and straightforward, the two-volume set features 10 tracks on each, alternating between covers and originals. The covers were voted for by fans, which has led to a pretty diverse selection – some of which work far better than others. Volume 1 kicks off with the strident Not Mad Enough, directly inspired by and written in the wake of the death of George Floyd. Neil Young’s protest classic Rockin’ In The Free World makes the perfect companion piece and sounds great in a piano-led format. Post Malone’s Better Now doesn’t work quite so well acoustically, but the duo’s own Panic! gets things back on track w...

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