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Fat Mike Vs Frank Turner: Punk Rock, Bad House Parties And Margaret Thatcher


Svalbard Take On Domestic Abuse In New Song Open Wound

RIP DESIGN WORXX (RIPDW)から着心地の良いビッグシルエットホッケーTシャツや迷彩ロゴやアーミータグ等細部までこだわり抜いたTシャツが登場!

BROADWAY CALLS veröffentlichen mit Radiophobia 2. Single aus neuem Album

ManDown – ‘We Want Blood’

【予約】全14ヵ国45バンド(45曲)を収録した全世界大暴走サウンズコンピ「Something To Believe In」7/13発売

【予約受付中】7/8~7/13 発売商品

Exclusive: Cami Scoundrel Reveals ‘Fallen Homies’ Video

Impavid Colossus stream new EP "Impavid Colossus III"

Color Killer stream new song "Home Schoolin’"

LAGWAGON mit „Surviving California“ aus der Quarantäne

Tyler Carter(ISSUES)フィーチャリング参加!KSUKE、アニメ”ゴッド・オブ・ハイスクール”OP曲「Contradiction (feat. Tyler Carter)」MV(TV Ver.)公開!

Cool Article – Pioneers of Pakistani Grindcore

Watch Old School Death Metal Act Rottenblast On New Lyric Video [Indonesia]

waterweed、ロック・レーベル”maximum10″による”Pay For The Future Now”企画第1弾として、コロナ終息後に行うツアー会場となるライヴハウスへ代金先払い

Solidarity With Fellow POC Out There in The US – Check Out Hardcore Act Compa On Debut EP

STORYTELLER stehen kurz vor der Auflösung

CIRCLE JERKS geben Ersatztermine für 2021 bekannt

NEWS: Parkway Drive reschedule London show for April 2021!

Architects – Doomsday (Official Audio)

Sam Valdez – Toothache (Official Video)

NEWS: All Time Low release rosé wine, Summer Daze Rosé!

Lauren Lakis – We’ll Be Fine (Official Video)


NEWS: Asking Alexandria share acoustic version of ‘Antisocialist’!

NO REDEEMING SOCIAL VALUE veröffentlichen im August neues Album

Circle Jerks announce rescheduled Texas shows

The OBGMs release video for “Not Again”

Rob Trujillo: Ennio Morricone Created The Opening Dialogue To The Metallica Experience

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