NEWS 2021/05/01
After what is arguably been one hell of an awful year, Without Andrew decided that they needed to use their platform as an influence to say things that they believe need to be said, through the catchy and aggressive punk rock of their new single, No Way Out. Infusing the aggression of older punk bands like Bad Religion, The Misfits and Dead Kennedys with the catchy melodic overtones of bands like Sum 41, Green Day and The Distillers. Without Andrew create a sound that is both reminiscent of older punk but with a modern touch, music for everyone with only one rule, no bigots allowed. Lead Vocalist and Guitarist Matthew Buckley had this to say about the new single: “No Way Out is a direct response to the blatant idiocy and hypocrisy that not only the Government have show during the cou...
【限定】Order In Decline(限定特典:缶バッジ付き)
世界各国のフェスを席巻し、自身のツアーも軒並みソールドアウト。 完全復活、バンド史上最高の状態にあるメタルパンクロックバンド SUM 41が送る自身7枚目のフルアルバム! !