On hiatus for two years thanks to that stupid spore, Wacken Metal Battle USA made its triumphant return to the U.S. in January and from then through April, 100+ bands duked it out for their chance to play at the National Finals. Well, the six finalists have now been chosen, and they’ll convene at The Viper Room in Los Angeles on May 7th for their chance to take home the gold and win the opportunity to perform at the world’s largest metal festival, Wacken Open Air! The finalists include Our Dying World (LA winner), The Stage of Dreams (Ohio winner), Mythraeum (San Diego winner), Donella Drive (Texas winner), Phantom Witch (Bay Area winner), and Pitch Black Mass (pacific northwest). Event Details: Saturday, May 7 – Wacken Metal Battle USA National Final @ The Viper Room – 8852 W ...