The Wildhearts – Satanic Rites Of The Wildhearts

Mention The Wildhearts to the man on the Clapham omnibus and you’ll most likely get a blank stare. This is despite them achieving Top 20 singles and two Top 10 albums in a disjointed and idiosyncratic career spanning (thus far) 35-years plus. This puts them firmly in a kind of Championship league of British bands that would include Therapy?, most of the iterations of the punk OGs and so on and so forth. The Leeds United of bands, if you will – fanatically beloved and always on the brink of greater things they never quite manage.  The Satanic Rites of The Wildhearts – the band’s 11th studio album – mines rich new veins of the melodic hardcore glam metal punk they have made their own. The album opens with ‘Eventually’ which is six sublime minutes of ...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon