The Venomous Pinks Fight Against US Abortion Ban With “We Must Prevail” Video

The Venomous Pinks fight against abortion bans in their newest release, We Must Prevail, that is taken from their Vita Mors album that is available via SBÄM Records. In collaboration with Eternal Film Productions, and directors Nikki Carmela and Alexander Thomas, the Arizona-based band delivers an unforgettable visual response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Staked full of social commentary, a distraught Lady Liberty gripping a bloody wire coat hanger, acts as a narrator of the video. Through music, The Venomous Pinks lead an angry mob of pro-choice protesters who demand immediate change. Symbolizing the injustice many Americans are currently facing, destruction overtakes the infamously engraved words “equal justice under law” that’s displayed above the United States S...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon