NEWS 2023/12/18
As ever, 2023 saw hundreds of albums going out into the world. While we managed to whittle that down to a top 50 list that snapshotted the past 12 months in music and represented where things are, there were also so many contenders that were all, honourably, number 51. Kerrang! is made up of a team, all of whom love and have widely varying opinions on our music. Being a broad church where Meet Me @ The Altar have a seat just as Dying Fetus do, individually our staff have very different end-of-year lists. Therefore, here they are. Here’s what we’ve all been listening to, falling in love with, and having our lives enormously enriched by this year, one staffer at a time… Luke Morton, Editor 10. Pest Control – Don’t Test The Pest9. Pupil Slicer – Blossom8. ZULU – ...
Foo Fighters
1.This Is a Call 2.I'll Stick Around 3.Big Me 4.Alone + Easy Target 5.Good Grief 6.Floaty 7.Weenie Beenie 8.Oh, George 9.For All the Cows 10.X-Static 11.Wattershed 12.Exhausted