The Chameleons – Where Are You?

Manchester, UK’s The Chameleons have been with us for over four decades, best known, at least amongst my social circle, for tracks like Swamp Thing, In Shreds, Nostalgia and The Fan & The Bellows that were regular floor fillers in the sweaty alternative clubs of my youth. Initially prolific with three albums released in their first five years, they then went the way of the so many bands. The wilderness years followed, which saw its former members engaged in outfits that never quite captured the imagination in the way that The Chameleons had. The almost inevitable reformation followed that resulted in reunion shows and a new album in the early 2000’s. I was present at one of the early The Chameleons reunion shows in Manchester, that night Mark Burgess looked like he was going to burst i...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon