The Baby Seals Address Getting “ID’d At Aldi” On New Single

The Baby Seals continue their crazy trip towards Chaos, their debut album that’s due out on April 19th via Trapped Animal, with their new single, ID’d at Aldi, that delivers a rip-roaring adventure around a bargain supermarket. What will be their best buys, and will they get ID’d?  “Getting ID’d – last time it happened to me was at Aldi, my response was to take it as a compliment – but then as I walked out I thought to myself, how weird is that? What’s wrong with looking your age?!  What is this obsession about looking younger, especially for women, as a man you can be a craggy faced ‘silver fox’ but what is it about women where our currency is directly linked to youth. The song is about us questioning our response and what that s...

unsplash-logoLilith Redmoon