Sykofant Premiere Their Sizzling New EP ‘Red Sun’

If there’s a shortage of high-level, traditional rock music in your life, then you should be glad you have found Sykofant. The band returns today with the premiere of their new EP, Red Sun, ahead of its March 20th release. It’s a quick follow-up for the Norwegian progressive rockers whose “Strangers” single we premiered last May. “Strangers” came from the band’s self-titled debut full-length record, which introduced you to the band’s riff-heavy approach. That approach remains fully in force with Red Sun, as the band sounds more confident and well-rounded than ever. Interestingly enough, you could think of Red Sun as sort of the first part of the band’s next LP. It has been arranged as the first of two interconnected releases that are both thematically and musically joined together. Part 2 ...

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